2022 Community Association Manager Compensation & Salary Survey - Digital Book

ISBN: 978-1-59618-045-1
2023, 124 pages
8th edition
Editor(s): Dawn M. Bauman, CAE, and Jake Gold, CAE
Product Format: eBook
Item #: 0451-E
Members: USD $59.00
Non-Members: USD $99.00
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Community association managers: If you have already completed or if you wish to complete the salary survey from the Foundation for Community Association Research, you will receive complimentary access to the data and reports (not the digital book). Review details and access more information about the survey platform.
The 2022 Community Association Manager Compensation and Salary Survey is the eighth salary survey conducted by the Foundation for Community Association Research since the year 2000. Each edition provides an interesting snapshot of the field and enhances understanding of this growing and dynamic profession.
The information contained in this report represents complete and accurate compensation data on the community association industry. The report is designed to allow companies and individuals to compare their compensation levels to their peers. The purpose of this report is to provide a snapshot of market data -- one point of reference compiled using best practices with the support of a reputable research firm. There are many factors that influence compensation decisions for specific people in specific markets, organizations, and circumstances. These include size of the employee base, location, market position, the economy, and the individual employee’s experience, education, and performance.
We recommend at least three sources of compensation data for perspective (the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ report on Property, Real Estate and Community Association managers is one such recommendation). This report should be considered a valid point of reference, but not used in isolation from other information. Also, keep in mind when comparing 2022 data to previous data, there is a different set of respondents as well as a different survey vendor (though the same methodology was used).
We modeled this report largely on the 2021 edition, and once again focused on the following roles: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a Management Company, Management Company Executive, Large-Scale Manager, High-Rise Manager, Onsite Manager, Portfolio Manager, and Assistant Community Manager.
Keep in mind that these terms are common industry categories or roles, and not typically used as job titles. A variety of specific job titles can be classified within a role. For example, a “General Manager” job title could be classified in the Large-Scale Manager role.
Another consideration is that as the industry grows, an increasing number of job titles may be used to describe community managers at various levels, and the professionals who lead and support them. For example, “Managing Director” could mean different things in different organizations, and we see “manager,” “director,” and “vice president” being used at division, regional, and national levels, as in “Regional Director.”
Despite the ongoing pandemic and surging inflation in 2022, there have not been significant shifts in the majority of responses between 2021 and 2022; compensation and benefits have not changed significantly.
We’ve indicated report highlights that this edition covers in further detail throughout this report.
Most of the demographics in this report track closely with the 2021 data. There has not been a lot of change in the profile of the respondents in terms of what part of the country they are from, their age (though respondents in the 30-49 age cohort are up slightly), and years in the profession. The higher percentage of college and master’s degrees that was seen in the 2021 survey is seen in 2022 as well (59% have a college degree), as is the elevated percentage of female respondents (63%). The industry is still predominantly White at 83% (although Hispanic is growing and now 6% of respondents).
• The industry is growing: the Department of Labor and Statistics projects 3% growth in this industry from 2021 through 2031.
• Professionals remain confident about the industry: 80% of respondents say that business prospects for their employer are “Good” or “Very Good” for the coming year; this is consistent with the 2021 survey.
• More respondents (67%) are employed by a management company versus working directly for the association (32%); this has increased from the 2021 survey.
• CMCA and AMS continue to be the top two professional designations, though both have declined just slightly since 2021.
• Job titles held are relatively consistent with 2021 with the exception of portfolio manager, which grew from 25% to 30%.
• High-Rise Managers, Onsite Managers, Portfolio Managers, and Assistant Community Managers all showed compensation increases over 2021 (based on the median).
• Large-Scale Managers ($140,000) reported the highest total compensation by far, followed by High-Rise Managers ($114,176), CEOs ($108,000), and Management Company Executives ($106,100).
• Consistent with 2021, 85% of respondents report that they have employer-sponsored healthcare (fully paid 23% and partially paid 62%).
• 83% of employers offered retirement plans in 2022, and 67% provide a company match. Both are increases from 2021.
• The percentage of respondents who reported that their employer provides short and long-term disability continues to decline: from 63% in 2013 to 48% in 2017 to 38% in 2022.
• Perhaps unsurprisingly due to the pandemic, remote access to the company network has increased from 69% to 71%; 64% of respondents can work remotely.
• Professional community managers continue to embrace technology, especially smart phones and laptops/tablets. 68% of managers are provided with a cell phone/smart phone by their employer and 66% are provided a laptop, iPad, or other tablet. Not surprisingly, these percentages are even higher in larger organizations.
We thank the members of the Foundation board and research committee for their support, guidance, and professional expertise, as well as Innovia Co-op for their generosity and leadership in sponsoring this project. We also thank the respondents who took the time to complete the salary survey and make this valuable tool possible.

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