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- Governance and legal matters
- Budgets, reserves, investments, and assessments
- Risk management and insurance
- Maintenance
- Contracting
- Meetings management
- Human resource management
The CMCA Study Kit* addresses each of these areas. The kit includes six volumes from the Guides for Association Practitioners series:
34 pages, Item #0468
By Clifford J. Treese, CPCU, ARM and Katharine Rosenberry, Esq.
56 pages, Item #0086
By Clifford J. Treese, CPCU, ARM
66 pages, Item #0703
By Stephen R. Bupp, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
22 pages, Item #5931
Mitchell H. Frumkin, PE, PP, RS, MBA, and Nico F. March, CFM, Editors
76 pages, Item #0277
By P. Michael Nagle, Esq.
62 pgs, Item #0796
*The CMCA Study Kit is developed independently by CAI. The CAMICB Board of Commissioners does not develop the content for or approve specific training programs, study guides, review courses, or other examination preparation products. Purchase of the CMCA Study Kit is not required to become eligible to sit for the examination and does not guarantee a passing score on the exam. CMCA candidates are encouraged to develop a personal study plan incorporating a wide range of study tools and reference materials.