Developer Transition
How Community Associations Assume Independence

ISBN: 0-944715-92-3
2004, 28 pages
Author(s): Amanda G. Hyatt
Product Format: Book
Item #: 5923
Members: USD $20.00
Non-Members: USD $30.00
In Stock

You'll want this report at your side as you go through this most critical phase in your community's evolution! Make this transition the right way and you'll avoid dissent in the community— more importantly, those expensive legal problems! Also contains tips on how to develop leaders within the association, draft legal documents and create effective and productive committees.



Chapter 1—Methods of Transfer

     Working Together
     Ideal Transition Scenario

Chapter 2—Legal Framework
     Statutory Considerations—Condominiums
     Statutory Considerations—Master Planned Associations
     Other Considerations
     Drafting the Legal Documents
     Legal Transfer of Control

Chapter 3—Committee Structure
     Covenants, Enforcement, and Design Review
     Association Management
     The Effect of the Sales Pace

Chapter 4—Developing Leadership and Involvement
     Generating Volunteers
     Working Without a Transition Program

Introduction—Background and Key Points
Transition from developer to owner control in a condominium or master-planned community is one of the most critical phases in a community's growth. If conducted properly, it will give the association the independence it needs to mature into a capable governing body. This report will help both developers and owners enjoy the benefits of a successful transition and avoid the legal and moral pitfalls of an improperly conducted transition.
Transition from developer control occurs when control of the association shifts from the developer to the owners. Transition evolves from the time most units are sold and conveyed to the owners.
A smooth transition benefits both the developer and the owner. Cooperative efforts between both parties can result in a well-run association. A poorly planned transition with uncooperative developer-owner relations can result in angry unit owners, lawsuits, a bad reputation for the developer, and an ineffective association.
The developer should strive for early and continuing owner involvement and education in association operations.
The developer and the owners must recognize their mutual interests and cooperate and communicate with each other during the transition period.
An interim set of committees—staffed primarily by owners—facilitates transition work and provides training for future leaders and ongoing committees.

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