Mastering Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting - Digital Book
A Guide for Community Association Leaders

ISBN: 978-1-59618-036-9
2022, 28 pages
1 edition
Editor(s): Amy Hawkes Repke, Debra H. Lewin, and Daniel Brannigan
Product Format: eBook
Item #: 0369-E
Members: USD $9.99
Non-Members: USD $19.99
In Stock

Currently only available as a digital book.
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Beginning in the first few months of 2020, community associations found it necessary to conduct business in unfamiliar new ways—virtual meetings being chief among them.
At that time, most community associations did not have a plan in place to conduct virtual meetings, but they adapted quickly and successfully. Many community association leaders embraced the technology shift and began discussing whether their annual membership meeting and elections should be conducted virtually as well.
Not all associations have had an easy time. Virtual meetings and electronic voting were uncharted territory for many community association boards; some wondered if the technology would be easy for all residents to understand and use. Others expressed concerns about privacy and security. Others are still navigating the change and looking for solutions that serve their homeowners best. They’re asking: Moving forward, what approach should we take to governing and managing, and do our current methods meet the needs and expectations of today’s—and tomorrow’s—homeowners?
Turn to CAI's Mastering Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting: A Guide for Community Association Leaders for answers.
Inside, you'll find information for new and experienced board members on how to conduct virtual meetings and elections simply and effectively.
  • Learn how to conduct meetings that are enjoyable and engaging for residents by streamlining your meeting process.
  • Discover new technology for electronic voting to make a positive impact on your community.  
  • A New Virtual World
  • Virtual Meeting Platforms and Features
  • Hosting an Effective Virtual Meeting
  • Case Study: Timeline for a Virtual Meeting
  • Virtual Meeting Etiquette
  • Hybrid Meetings
  • Legal Considerations
  • Electronic Voting
Also inside: sample forms, agenda, online meeting guide, an overview of state laws, and easy access to additional resources.
Want a preview? Find a few free downloads available from the book! 

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