Best Practices: Natural Disasters

ISBN: 9780941301848
2018, 66 pages
Editor(s): Debra H. Lewin
Product Format: Book
Item #: 1848
Members: USD $12.95
Non-Members: USD $22.00
In Stock

Most people do not focus on disaster planning until something happens. For community association managers, boards, and professional advisors, planning is essential to ensure that the community can respond quickly and recover efficiently after a natural disaster.

No matter what type of disaster occurs—environmental, socio-political, or technological—community leaders must oversee and lead the recovery process. A comprehensive and current disaster plan is crucial for community resiliency and sustainability. Common characteristics of communities that rebound successfully from a major disaster include a strong desire to recover and rebuild, active networking with local agencies and resources, and a cadre of trained community leaders.

Natural Disasters is also available as a free PDF download. However, for those who want a printed version, it is available here at cost.

Section I. Best Practices
Section II. Introduction
Section III. Planning for Disaster
Section IV. Preparing for Disaster
Section V. Initial Response and Recovery
Section VI. Rebuilding and Resilience
Section VII. Case Studies
Case Study 1: Wildfire
Case Study 2: Tornado
Case Study 3: Hurricane
Case Study 4: Flooding
Section VIII. Appendix: Sample Documents
Sample Document 1: Emergency Management Plan
Sample Document 2: Emergency Plan Timeline
Sample Document 3: Personal or Family Emergency Kit

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